Thursday, August 27, 2009


Hello. My Name is Sarah Miller. I am a Senior at Bowling Green State University, majoring in Tourism and Event Planning. Also I will be graduating in DECEMBER! I am creating this Blog for my Sports Management Sports and Gender Class. In my blog I will reflect on different topics that were discussed in class, as well as my personal opinions, and anything else I may come up with.

I have been active in a few different sports over the years. I played soccer and volleyball in both middle school and early high school. Also, I was on the ski team from sixth to senior year of high school.

After the first day of class and confessing my love for David Beckham, I went home and asked both of my roommates who their favorite athletes were.. without hesitation, Catherine (an avid NHL fan) named Sydney Crosby, while Emily a MLB fanatic named named Omar Vizquel. After asking why they liked these two athletes, Catherine started to explain that Crosby was an outstanding athlete and he.. but after she noticed both Emily and my looks of humor, she admitted that she just thought he was highly attractive. Emily on the other hand, skipped all of the nonsense, and admitted that she has had a crush on Omar Vizquel since she went to an Indians game back in the day.

After the roommates and I discussed our athlete crushes, I then asked them who their favorite female athlete was.. It took a much longer time from both of them to decide that they liked Jennie Finch (myself included). We all agreed that one of the main reasons we liked her, was because she is very cute, and has a great personality.

One of the biggest issues that stands out in my mind when talking about Sports and Gender, is how male athletes are portrayed VS. female athletes. I am as guilty as anyone to stay that I love watching David Beckham play soccer, but I would rather see him in one of his Versace adds.. After thinking about Beckham, it made me think about female athletes, and many of them gain their popularity. Yes, they are all very talented, but to help bring themselves (as well as their sport) some recognition many females (Anna Kournikova, Danica Patrick, and even the Williams sisters) will model and or become a spokesperson.

It's funny to see that many males will say that David Beckham is a "sell out" and just a pretty boy now that he does modeling, but at the same time, they are not complaining that Anna Kournikova is a swim suite model..



  1. Hi Sarah,

    This is a very interesting post, and I am glad you included your observations about why certain athletes are popular. When I read what your one roommate said about Omar Vizquel, I had to think about the first athlete who was my favorite--i.e., Rocky Colavito (see this link:

    While I never thought about why he was my favorite, years later someone said to me, "Oh, you just liked him because he was good-looking!" I didn't think so at the time, but maybe that did enter into it:-)

    There is one difference between Beckham and many of the female athletes who model--and that is that most female athletes do not earn that much from playing professional sports (with the exceptions of the Williams sisters and Danica). Even when Kournikova was still playing, she probably earned 10 times as much in endorsements. We will definitely talk about this more in class, so keep talking to your roommates!

    I enjoyed reading your introduction!

    Dr. Spencer

  2. Thank you for reading my blog, and yes I would love for everyone to call me POSH! :)

    It's funny that you should mention Rocky Colavito, because he is one of my moms biggest crushes.. She had a little picture of him on her dresser when I was younger! I'll have to see if I can find it next time I'm home!

  3. Here is a link to his Cleveland baseball card. Sadly I no longer have mine:-(

  4. I have to admit I am saldy guilty of this also, I love Derek Jeter yes he is a great athlete but his looks to help greatly also. I believe there is alittle bit of a double standard like you touched on about how people look at Beckham as being a pretty boy sell out but when women model to promote items people just seem to fall in love with the idea of it. Sports have came a long way on making them more equal for men and women but they still have a long way to go yet.
