Monday, September 21, 2009

Un-Sportsman Like Conduct

It is easy to say that now-a-day's athletes are not only expected to act like "Athletes" but as role models for fans of all ages. Little basket ball fans beg their parents for LeBron James and Michael Jordan Jerseys, with hopes of being able to play ball as well as the stars could.

Even though athletes know that they are always in the Lime Light, many times they can lose their tempers (like any normal person) and do something very "Un-Sportsman like."

Pretty much all of the athletes in the world have had their little slip ups, but why do some athletes get more attention for their faults then others. Not only do some athletes have a finger pointed at them because of their super celebrity, but now their Sex is coming into consideration when deciding what and what not is forgivable. No doubt this is a double standard.

Take the recent Serena episode. Smashing her racket and going off on the little line judge was uncalled for, and now she is getting horrible press saying that she was over the top with her attitude. If a man would have acted exactly the same way, I believe that he would have still received a bit of bad press, but it would have been more acceptable, for the simple reason that he was a male.

In life, the media, and movies and TV, Strong and Powerful men are the ones who settle their problems with verbal arguments and fighting. The only women who are ever seen fighting are the ones that are CIA agents, or from the wrong side of the tracks. Because of the standard portrayal of the sexes, it is not a shock that the world freaks out when the see a women acting un-lady-like (Whatever that really means)

In class, we talked about what people would think about an Athlete that cried after he won or loss a game. I personally believe that if an athlete left his heart out on the field and then lost a game, there is no reason for him to be looked down at if he showed a bit of emotion, and the same if he won. No one should be ashamed of showing their emotions. Emotion dosen't mean weak.. It means you're human!

P.S. - <3


  1. I like how you brought up the question on why some athletes get more attention than others. That is a great question. I think it is because there are different levels of athletes. The better each athlete is in their specific sport the more they are watched over. I agree with you on the point about Serena and if a guy did what she did, it would be normal.

  2. I also agree that if a guy did what Serena did it would be looked at completely differently. Still would be frowned upon but in time it would be put in the same vault as the McEnroe blowup. As for the emotions of sports I don't know any great athlete who isn't elated when they win and devastated when they lose. I think you can't be a great athlete without emotions.

  3. I really liked the conclusion you drew: "Emotion doesn't mean weak. It means you're human!" Great post. The double-standard that you pointed to with Serena could be illustrated by the lack of an uproar when Roger Federer had a mini-meltdown the next day.
