Tuesday, November 17, 2009


It seems as though when the topic of race and racism is brought up, everyone turns their head, backs down, and is too scared to give their opinion. I believe that racism is just that, an opinion. In many situation, people take what they think to be racism the wrong way, when in fact, a person may just being saying something taken out of context. In class, many opinions were given, but some may have been seen as raciest comments, because they did not sound exactly like the other opinions in the class.

On the issue of Indian Wells, I believe that what the Williams Sister experienced was not direct racism. I believe that fans were very upset that they did not see the match that they were looking forward to the day before, and they were taking their frustration out on the sisters. Just because a few of the fans said racist remarks (Which YES, that would be considered Racism) the sisters took the criticism and negativity as only racism.

I do not think that it is a good idea that they sisters decided to boycott Indian Wells, because I think that it just plays into the idea that the fans are getting to them, and that they are in return being racist towards the fans that attend the Indian Wells matches, because they do not with to play for them.

I hope that one day, Race/Racism will not be made into such a big deal as some people make it into today, but to eliminate it, we have to understand everyone has a different opinion and different point of view.

1 comment:

  1. Serena did reveal that she was able to overcome the remarks that were made, because she won, despite losing the first 3 games. From the way it was described by Serena (and others), and the way it appeared to me on television, it seemed that there were more than a few racist remarks. I believe also that race/racism is perceived differently by those who have experienced it differently. That is why these conversations and dialogs need to occur.
