Sunday, December 13, 2009

Presentation Reflection

For the past few classes, each member of our class did a group presentation, or individual presentation about their blogs, journals, and papers they did for class. After seeing all of the presentations, I noticed that the majority of the groups focused on the same topics.

My group chose to focus our presentation on the Female Stereo-type. Ashley and I talked about how we did not feel the exploitation of the female athlete was right, and that it is very sad that most of the attention female athletics gets, is when the athletes are sexy. The boys in our group focused on the fact that the females should be able to be sexy, and how they worked very hard for their bodies, so it's only right that they show them off.

Other topics that there presented on included racism, (which we all know has been a sticky topic to discuss throughout this semester). It seems as though the class is spit on the Indian Wells incident, but I think it's safe to say, everyone agrees that what fans were saying was wrong and uncalled for.

Also, a lot of groups presented on the topic of females playing on males teams, and males playing on female teams. I noticed that many people didn't think that it was okay for females to play on male teams, because men would not play to their full potential, because they were scared of injuring a female, or they wouldn't want to embarrass the girl. On the other hand, a lot of people though that it was okay for males to play on female teams, because it would help them develop their skills, and help the girls play better. If I'm not mistaken.. this looks like a double standard to me..

I know that when asked why people chose to do blogs and journals instead of writing a paper, many people said that they didn't want to do all of that research, but honestly, I believe that many people felt that doing a blog allowed them to be creative, write about whatever they wanted, and actually have fun looking at articles!

(Hey... Why not?!!?)

1 comment:

  1. I gather that you enjoyed the "creativity" aspect of being "Mrs. David Beckham:-)"
