Thursday, December 10, 2009


Unless you live in a hole, you have heard about the recent Tiger Woods incident in the past few weeks. Papers, Gossip Columns, ESPN, and even The View have talked about Tigers "Bad Decisions" and have voiced their opinions about what should happen next. So many allegations have been made about Tiger, that it is hard to know what is true. Does he have a Love Child with one of his multiple lovers? Is his wife leaving him? Did she really hit him over the head with a gold club? Who knows if we ever will find out these answers, but on the turn around.. why should big media sources even care?!

Like Michael Jordan, Tiger Woods is major money maker for products such as Nike, Gatorade, and even his won brand. For millions of American's he is living the ideal life, and just like any red blooded American, we are all waiting for him to "slip" up. We love to root for these top dog athletes and will stand behind them all day when they are on top of their game, but Like A Rod, after his "mishaps" with his EX wife, or even allegations that My husband (David Beckham) cheated on his "wife" Posh, everyone was ready to throw them under the bridge, and jump on them.

I personally believe that we all need to remember that these super star athletes are just that.. "athletes". Even if we want to believe they have super powers, they are only human, and will make mistakes just like we all do every day. But unfortunately for them, their life's are flashed all over every major network.

Even though I want to defend Tiger for his actions, I still have to say that he needs to remember he is a role model to millions, if not billions of people around the world. Yes, the fans will come back, most of his endorsers will stand by him, but a lot of people will not forget his mistakes.

1 comment:

  1. Not only is Tiger supposedly a role model, but the corporations who backed him were doing so based on the premise that there was something exemplary about him. He has called that into question big-time.
